Honour Roll

QRRA(Brisbane) has a a proud history which can be traced backto the late 19th Century. We have in our rooms photos which date back to 1904 and over the 120 years that the Association has been in existance many members have made significant contributions to Rugby in Brisbane and Queensland. The contibution of those whom have been part of the development of the Association over the years is recognised through the awards that have been given and which are proudly displayed in our rooms. Those awards and achievements are reproduced below.

International Appointments Scholarships

Honour Board

QRRA Presidents QRRA Life Members (*Deceased) Premier Rugby Grand Final Referee QRU Premier Rugby Grade Referee Award Senior Referee of the Year Referee Coach of the Year Junior Referee of the Year Clubperson of the Year Kerry Fitzgerald Medal Awarded on the Occasion of a Referees Test Debut
Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name
2022- Simon Moore 2022 Neil McCann 2023 Reuben Keane 2023 George Myers
James Palmer
2023 Callum Robertson 2023 Paul Evans 2023 Josh Carnie 2021 Gert Erasmus 2022 Jess Ling
Jordan Way
2019-2021 Garry Camplin 2022 Laure Monaghan 2022 Nick Berry 2022 Brett Cronan 2022 George Myers 2022 Andrew Macintosh
Cameron Stanfield
2022 Hayden McKenzie 2020 Duncan Male 2018 Damon Murphy
2018 – 2019 Barry J. Leask 2020 Geoff Gardner 2021 Nick Berry 2021 James Palmer 2021 Ben Dorrington-Plumb 2021 Greg Hinton 2021 Samuel Mellick 2019 Scott Chapman 2017 Nicholas Berry
Rachael Horton
2015 – 2017 Michael Willis 2020 John Raukete 2020 Damon Murphy 2020 Brett Cronan 2020 James Palmer 2020 Rohan Hoffmann 2020 Blake McKenzie 2018 Drew Meehan 2014 Rohan Hoffmann
2012-2014 Mark Hogan 2019 Cole Barrett 2019 Nick Berry 2019 Brett Cronan 2019 Peter Buchanan 2019 Drew Meehan 2019 Cooper Richmond 2017 John Carroll 2009 Stephen Hill
2010-2011 Brian O’Donnell 2019 Rodd Brockett 2018 Shane Barr 2018 Shane Barr 2018 Ned Carrick 2018 Dick R.G. Byres 2018 Jeremy Markey 2016 Shane Barr 2007 Paul Marks
2007-2009 Neil McCann 2019 Dick Byres 2017 Damon Murphy 2017 Damon Murphy 2017 Shane Barr 2017 Damien Mitchelmore 2017 George Meyers 2004 Greg Hinton
2005-2006 Mark Logan 2016 Chris Newton 2016 Nick Berry 2016 Nicholas Berry 2016 Paul Henwood 2016 Chris Newton 2016 Michael Day Changed After 2003
2003-2004 Peter A. Smith 2016 Tom Ryan 2015 Rohan Hoffmann 2015 Damian Mitchelmore 2003 Greg Hinton
2000-2002 Peter Gofton 2015 Peter Gofton 2014 Rohan Hoffmann 2012 Not Awarded 2002 Rodd Brockett
1999 Richard M. Bendeich 2015 Andrew J. Cole * 2013 Rohan Hoffmann 2011 Damian Mitchelmore 2001 Paul Marks
1997-1998 Geoff R. Pegg 2003 Barry J. Leask 2012 Steve Walsh NSW 2010 Damian Mitchelmore
Simon Moore
2000 Pat Rae
1993-1996 Anthony Mellick 2003 Geoff R. Pegg 2011 Damien Mitchelmore 2009 Geoff Acton 1999 Pat Rae
1992 Joe Carter 2001 Ian J. Scotney 2010 Paul Marks 2008 Geoff Acton 1998 Andrew J. Cole
1991 Colin A. Waldron 1994 Colin A. Waldron 2009 Damien Mitchelmore 2007 Geoff Acton 1997 Andrew J. Cole
1989-1990 Jack M.J. Ezzy 1991 Phil A. Jones * 2008 Paul Marks
1987-1988 Peter Bechtel 1987 Chris G. Oxenford 2007 Geoff Acton
1985-1986 Chris G. Oxenford 1986 Graham J. Sheehan OAM 2006 Paul Marks
1983-1984 Alan R. Taylor 1984 John R. Forbes 2005 Andrew Cole
1980-1982 Ian J. Scotney 1984 Cec J. Menzies *
1977-1979 John O’Connor 1976 Kevin J. Crowe OAM *
1974-1976 Kevin J. Crowe OAM 1973 Bob R.T. Burnett *
1972-1973 Bob R.T. Burnett 1969 Don L. Duffell *
1970-1971 John .R. Forbes 1966 Tom W. Moore *
1969 Harry G. Clark 1962 Bill W.D. Wylie *
1966-1968 Don L. Duffell 1961 Ian W.I. Wilson *
1963-1965 Tom W. Moore 1960 John F. Isley *
1947-1962 Percy Barnes 1959 Percy Barnes *
1946 Ken C. Proctor 1947 Keith C.K. Proctor *

Honour Board prior to 2016

First Grade Grand Final Referee QJRRA Life MEMBERS (*QRRA Merged with QRRA in 1995) QJRRA Presidents Cec Menzies Award Richard Andrews Memorial RM Bendeich Trophy Trevor Henry Award Don Duffel/Phil Jones Coaching Award John Minter Award Paddy O’Brien Service Award
Most Improved Junior Referee Best First Year Referee of Junior Rugby Referee of Highest Grade Junior Final Services to Junior match Officiating Contribution to Referee Coaching Outstanding Service Above The Call of Duty Clubman of the Year
Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name Year Name
2004 Andrew Cole 1974 John Meehan 1993-1995 Brian Kennedy 2015 Mitchell Ross 2015 Paul Curtin 2015 Lara West 2011 Paul Evans 2015 Alan McLoughlin 2013 Neil McCann 2015 Shane Sullivan
2003 Greg Hinton 1975 Paul Gair 1992 Ross Mewett 2014 Alec Camplin 2014 Will Bailey 2014 Jayden Leavers 2009 Michael Wallace 2014 Pat Rae 2007 Barry J. Leask 2014 Tony Tresidder
2002 Scott Young 1979 Cec Menzies 1989-1991 Frank Meek 2013 Lara West 2013 Shane Barr 2013 Cameron Foley 2006 Barry J. Leask 2013 Dick R.A. Byres 2003 Geoff Pegg 2013 Rohan Hoffmann
2001 Andrew Cole 1982 Graham R. Sheehan OAM 1986-1988 John Dee 2012 Cameron Foley 2012 Timothy Clough 2012 Michael Lucas 2005 Brian O’Donnell 2012 Craig Taylor 2000 Paddy O’Brien 2012 Paul Towler
2000 Andrew Cole 1993 Frank Meek 1984-1985 Jack M.J. Ezzy 2011 Declan Lane 2011 Ben Dorrington-Plumb 2011 Melinda Volker 2002 Chris Newton 2011 Pat Rae 1999 Keith Jennings 2011 Andrew Macintosh
1999 Andrew Cole 1994 Fred Crawford 1981-1983 Paul J. Miller 2010 Lauren Young 2010 John Corry 2010 Sam Fay 2000 Tom Ryan 2010 Chris Newton 1996 David True 2010 Andrew Coorey
1998 Andrew Cole 1979-1980 Fred Crawford 2009 Andrew Twist 2009 Chris Woodhouse 2009 Andrew Gillies 1998 Peter Gofton 2009 Barry J. Leask 1994 Anthony Mellick 2009 Andrew Carmody
1997 Andrew Cole 1977-1978 Graham R. Sheehan OAM 2008 Duncan Male 2008 Matt O’Brien 2008 Michelle Colgrave 1997 David Stokes 2008 Geoff R. Pegg 1992 Colin Waldron 2008 Greg Cuthbert
1996 Scott M. Young 1976 John Barber 2007 Dan Sheahan 2007 Greg Musgrave 2007 Luke Moloney 1996 Ray Zingleman 2007 Paul Evans 1991 Kerry V.J. Fitzgerald 2007 Rob Walker
1995 Scott M. Young 1975 John Ivers 2006 Lachlan Parkinson 2006 Gerry Cavanagh 2006 Peter Backstrom 1994 Nev Newbold 2006 Tom Ryan 1989 Kim Buchannan 2006 Michael Wallace
1994 Barry J. Leask 1972-1974 John Meehan 2005 Cameron Stanfield 2005 DanielHennessy 2005 Dominic Maher 1993 John Nolan 2005 Michael Petrie 1986 Phil A. Jones 2005 John Christopherson
1993 Barry J. Leask 2004 Andrew Gillies 2004 David Maher 2004 Paul Haydock 1990 Simon McGarvey 2004 Chris Newton 1985 Murray McNae 2004 Steve Williamson
1992 Barry J. Leask 2003 Warren Ford 2003 Jim Wallace 2003 Liam Prescott 1988 Frank Meek 2003 Terry O’Connor 1984 Peter Galloway 2003 Tom Ryan
1991 Kerry V.J. FitzGerald 2002 John Christopherson 2002 L. Prescott 2002 Stuart Tasker 1985 Bernie McMackin 2002 Cole Barrett 1983 Ian J. Scotney 2002 Tim Matthews
1990 Kerry V.J. FitzGerald 2001 Simon Moore 2001 Brian O’Donnell 2001 Mark Gooch 1984 Ron Virgen 2001 Peter A. Smith 1982 Richard M. Bendeich 2001 Terry J. O’Connor
1989 Barry J. Leask 2000 Mark Gooch 2000 Ian Smith 1982 Fred Crawford 2000 Ian J. Scotney 1981 Alan R. Taylor 2000 Geoff R. Pegg
1988 Kerry V.J. FitzGerald 1999 Ian Smith 1999 Martyn Chalmers 1981 Barry J. Leask 1979 Michael Lalor
1987 Kerry V.J. FitzGerald 1998 Martyn Chalmers 1998 Chris Donovan 1980 Paul J. Miller 1978 Christopher G. Oxenford
1986 Kerry V.J. FitzGerald 1996 Simon Scoble 1997 David Elphick 1978 John Nolan 1977 Graham J. Sheehan OAM
1985 Kerry V.J. FitzGerald 1994 Laurie Monaghan 1996 Peter Gofton 1976 John Ivers 1976 Gary Hogan
1984 Kerry V.J. FitzGerald 1993 Chris Donovan 1995 Ray Zingleman 1975 John Meehan 1975 John Nolan
1983 Colin A. Waldron 1992 Nick Fraser 1994 Chris Donovan 1974 Paul Gair 1974 Don Jowett
1982 Colin A. Waldron 1991 Luke Spence 1993 Ross Mewett 1973 Cec J. Menzies 1973 John Meehan
1981 Colin A. Waldron 1990 Mark Smeaton 1992 Danny Cummins 1972 Bro. James Vance
1980 Bob R.T.Burnett 1989 Damian Murphy 1991 Ray Zingleman 1971 Cec J. Menzies
1979 Colin A. Waldron 1988 John Murdoch 1990 Simon McGarvey 1970 Jim Buckley
1979 Colin A. Waldron (Replay) 1987 Danny Cummins 1989 Mike Abell 1969 Bob R.T. Burnett
1978 Kevin J. Crowe 1986 Scott Osbourne 1988 Frank Meek 1968 Paul Gair
1977 Bob R.T.Burnett 1985 Rodd Brockett 1987 Rodd Brockett 1967 Harry G. Clark
1976 Kevin J. Crowe 1984 Danny Brewer 1986 John Dee 1966 John R. Forbes
1975 Kevin J. Crowe 1983 Bernie Paterson 1985 Chris Burnett 1965 Kevin J. Crowe OAM
1974 Kevin J. Crowe 1982 Angela Patterson 1984 Brian Toohey 1964 Alan Finlay
1973 Kevin J. Crowe 1982 Bruce McCosker 1983 Stan Walker 1963 Don L. Duffell
1972 Kevin J. Crowe 1982 Walter Pratt 1982 Andrew J. Cole
1971 Kevin Crowe 1981 Richard M. Bendeich
1970 Bob R.T.Burnett 1980 Bernie McMackin
1969 Kevin J. Crowe 1979 Bryan Meehan
1968 Bob Burnett 1978 Paul Miller
1967 Kevin J. Crowe 1977 John Ivers
1966 Kevin J. Crowe 1976 John Nolan
1965 Bob R.T.Burnett 1975 John Ivers
1964 Kevin J. Crowe 1974 Paul Gair
1963 John R. Forbes 1973 Graham J. Sheehan OAM
1962 Bryan O’Callaghan 1972 Bro. Donatus
1961 Alan Finlay
1960 Nev Hayden
1959 Bryan O’Callaghan